City of Parramatta
"Paint Your Parra": State of the City for Young People forum and Needs of Young People in the CBD study
By 2036 the number of young people aged 12 to 24 living in the City of Parramatta will quadruple and represent 16% of the population (or 64,000 people). In addition, thousands of young people from diverse backgrounds visit the Parramatta CBD each day to work, study, or shop.
The City of Parramatta asked us: “How can we embed engagement with young people and harness their contributions in our planning processes?”
Young people are our future leaders and are significant contributors to our society, economy and local vibrancy. While the needs of young people are often discussed, there are seldom formal processes to include or empower them in community planning, design or public engagement processes.
In 2016, the City of Parramatta engaged Cred to investigate through The Needs of Young People in the Parramatta CBD study, which aimed to recognise the contribution of young people to the city and make recommendations to embed young people in all Council planning activities. The results of the Needs study influenced Council to establish its first Parramatta Youth Forum – “Paint Your Parra” – an annual youth-led forum that provides an ongoing mechanism to build community capacity in planning, to engage with young people across the IAP2 spectrum, and to inform major planning, design, and policy decisions of Council.