How connected are we feeling after the past few years? We asked 1000 NSW residents

By Cred Consulting, with Micromex Research

by Cred Consulting, with Micromex Research

January, 2022

Like many, we had bid farewell to 2020 gladly. We looked forward to 2021 with the hope it would bring some stability and normality in our lives – we’d be returning to work, travelling to see friends and family, and enjoying our beautiful towns and cities with a sense of safety and freedom once more.

Yet, it’s safe to say 2021 did not fully live up to these hopes, and we now find ourselves at the tail-end of yet another year of a global pandemic – feeling a little exhausted, and reflective.

People have endured an incredibly challenging and relentless few years, which got us wondering… how are communities across NSW feeling? We know that the more connected communities are, the more resilient to – and the faster they can recover from – all kinds of adversity.

As leaders in planning for socially-cohesive communities, Cred Consulting, with Micromex Research, surveyed 1,000 people from across NSW’s cities and towns to find out how connected people feel to their local areas – and what the most important things are for them to feel connected to each other right now.

We are proud to share the key findings of our research, particularly with our Local and NSW Government colleagues to be considered for their funding, programming and planning, because deeply understanding communities helps us to build stronger connections; prepare for future emergencies; improve our quality of life, and informs better outcomes for our communities.

We would love to talk to you about social cohesion in your area. To find out how you can better understand and support your communities, please contact us on (02) 9357 2476, or email

To access our research, please fill in your contact details.
